Blueprint tech level problems. I can't even select my mining or double chainguns. Buy around 20 slots worth. Just buy the parts and find a good roll at a turret factory. Hey ZiggyD. #1 DipperActual May 31, 2021 @ 9:05pm At one point I picked up a Legendary Chaingun "MG-xxx Sprayer" which shot seeking nanobot bullets. There are so many changes, take a look at the screenshot under features if you haven't! Some users of the mod have stated that this is required only on the clients, for your information. Unless you have a trillion credits to waste and just want to try it for a hobby. Avoid security forces until a trade ship comes to. This mod adds a button to the Turret Factory that randomizes* the seed of that factory. 0. DivineEvil. Avorion > General Discussions > Topic Details. 0 so that could be why youre having issues. I did this thing where I left my Avorion game on overnight, and my credits went up by 100 000 000. Share. Weapons (or turrets) are the primary way of inflicting damage and harvesting resources in Avorion. " the replicator window should show up. 3. c) Build the turret factory + *ALL* the Chain because they (nor the player one, nor the NPC) restock at all so once you buy, you can't buy again materials from that factory. Give the scarcity of materials in 2. This mod allows you to modify the seed of turret factories. . Lightning turret have the higher DPS in the game and they can have 16-20km range for 30-50K DPS. Discord: Ships: Turret Crafting Guide. It is found in an undiscovered sector like a turret factory. Unfortunately, yes. This guide looks at what it takes to craft your favorite turret, be it from loot, research, or storebought. Also included are. lua script for a good example. I think the only hard part about insane is immune ships. It depends. Mines and raw material stations produce a sheer profit. Turret Factory Improved ReUpload. the wormhole is not permanent unless you keep the key relics next to the asteroids. Like if i am building a laser, i will seach for "laser modulator" and hopefully a factory will be in the sector or in another discovered sector. I found it easier to farm turrets and sell them. 0. 0 (118 DPS) 3. This mod will currently result in overpowered weapon factories. this is a really quick, up to date guide on how turret factories work and. So, XXL stations can produce something like 4-5 products at the same time. Get the factory. Docking a turret factory and take it to a different sector would reset all turret blueprints, so there's no need to build multiple turret factory for high dps turrets. Since you always get a turret back, 3 turrets at a time is the most efficient, but 5 removes the element of luck. Warheads are used in the manufacture of explosive projectiles. I've seen a few references to them (turret factories), and possibly a screenshot, but I can't for the life of me find out whether they're currently construct-able, and if so, how to do so. One of them dropped a legendary Tech 35 Xanion bolter. Building stations is nothing more than a huge money sink in the game. tehmuck • 2 yr. 0. I am crafting some laser turrets, and I have found a factory which offers one with 1285 DPS. While in one of your ships use the chat command /tmod this will attach the Engineering Weapons Bay to your ship, adding an icon to open the main window in the top right corner of the screen. < > Showing 1-7 of 7 comments . The production process consists of repeating cycles. Casino. The Extended Turret Factory is a mod that allows you to build turrets that are much longer than the standard turrets. Try to. 17. The only real issue with them is because of turret turn rates and how quickly our ships move and maneuver, they often have trouble keeping on target in combat. Last edited by FuryoftheStars; Mar 27, 2020 @ 8:44am #5. The material and tech level only depends on the distance to the core. In. right now turret factories require materials and credits to build. 31 - 2. When you need 175m per turret on a 40 turret end game ship, this means destroying 9 high end goods producing stations per turret. find them im on single player and i have like one regulate turret thats independent targeting thats not a point defense turret but the turret factory is slow i found one on another single player that. Unfortunately, yes. Pirates come in, get shot by my patrols and i get. Originally posted by Drascalicus: Let us also make turrets in our ships as well. 1Did some testing and experimenting and found some interesting results. you can build tech 52 around 0,0 (to 4 or 5 blocks away) but the factory is tech 50 so you cant make tech 52 blueprints only. Although of course you may be lucky and among the factions in the Naonite. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. 3 Destruction 16. #6. Building a turret station. TitaniumSun. It does not mean it will roll a good weapon. this is a really quick, up to date guide on how turret factories work and how to build y. Cool. The types of stations can be determined by the scripts that the stations use for their routines. I strongly disagree. Discord. I took a recent game to test out turret factory changes. If size is more important, maybe consider heading out to the edge of the avorion tier. 2. DLC Avorion Into the Rift Out Now! Now available on Steam! Steam. Turret Factory - General Discussion - Avorion Forums Welcome to the Forum! The best place to exchange builds and ideas! Vote for the best ideas and. So I'm looking around for a guide to factory chains. DLC Avorion Into the Rift Out Now! Now available on Steam! Steam. I like the idea, it means you have an. Join the Avorion Discord! Connect with other passionate players and talk about the latest news. Posted June 23, 2018. I've tried a few other things and it doesn't seem to make a difference. I did find one turret factory in my previous game that had avorion turrets but it wasn't blessed by the RNG, just a couple sectors further there was an ogonite factory that made turrets with like 4X the DPS for cheaper. It doesn't seem to be listed within any of the station founding tabs insofar as I've tested, but I also could've missed it somehow. But before you can get everything you need for all the turrets, an update resets all the turret factories and that turret is now lost forever. Weapons (or turrets) are the primary way of inflicting damage and harvesting resources in Avorion. Usage. . 3-Advanced Factories. in vanilla avorion there usually arent a lot of ships spawning. When the sector/galaxy is restored from disk the function restore is called, and the table you returned in secure is 1st parameter given to restore . Changes the turret factory allowing you to buy more "seeds" which can be used to make different turrets of the same type in the same factory. Join the Avorion Discord! Connect with other passionate players and talk about the latest news. 2. So a call to either the devs or modders--can there be a second button. 2k. upgrade and arm everyone to near-end-game state AVORION: same as Ogonite, really keep moving the turret factory closer and closer to the center until we've got 6ish end-game ships we will assault the last boss withSo best bet is to build in 0,1 and have a couple stations there with max fighter squadrons set to defend sector. Factories make tons of money. though this. r/avorion • 2 mo. A guide to crafting various turrets in Avorion. Burnthalo. ClayMonkey71 • 3 yr. after not finding anything, i openend a rocket factory. Higher tech level = more crew = bigger size of the turret. Material requirements for Xanion turrets of Exceptional quality. Ive calculated the math behind station factory chains. 5) Created by Mighty Brankor. 1. Furthermore it is shown the value of the goods in credits, their volume per unit and a reference value credits per 1 volume. Today I was playing around with a turret factory. Similarly, 2 x Iron turret plus 1 x Xanion turret has a 67% chance of an Iron result and 33% of Xanion. The only factor I know of, is the slider for the price. Trading Goods is a quick way to get rich, and players who know how to (ab)use trading will have few money problems in the game. Discord. Before the Economy update went live, I could set up all the settings for a turret in a turret factory, and press the build turret button, creating duplicates as long. This is somewhat misleading. This guide looks at what it takes to craft your favorite turret, be it from loot, research, or storebought. Mining Lasers. Fighter Factories are Factories that can be used to create your own Fighters. Try adjusting some of the arrows on the amounts back and forth. 2 - own and alliance stations will show all possible turret tiers regardless of relations - lowered blueprint cost from 2x to 1. 50 is max. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews. After all the battles, farming, building, and exploring, we got some exciting news to share with you! Avorion will be participating in the Steam Summer Sale this holiday with an astronomical 50% discount! Make sure to check it out, this is something you don’t want to miss!Once in a while a turret factory will show a weapon blueprint that has the independent targeting property. Using the non-overheating turret formula, DPS = Nb * D * R. This station refines oil into fuel, which can be used for drones or rockets. Rocket There are no factories that use rockets as an ingredient. Join the Avorion Discord! Connect with other passionate players and talk about the latest news. Avorion is a space-sim sandbox game where you build your own ships and fight, trade, mine and explore your way to the center of the galaxy. ago by Subject_Rip993 View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit Best turret factory blueprints So I am looking for best turrets that I could destroy for a blueprint and make production line at tech 50 turret factory. 1, mod is client-side. It's best to set them up as close to the core as possible, to increase the chance that you'll get better quality turrets out of them. I run a mix of armed and salvaging turrets and once the shields are down, the hull is childsplay. Here you're comparing a random Equipment Dock fighter with a custom fighter made from a factory-produced Turret. Well, I reinstalled Avorion, started a new game, cheated some resources to get a trading post and left it there for about an hour. Turrets are used for combat or mining. Point Defense lasers and Plasma Cannons, which are made from Ogonite and Avorion. Fighter Stats are directly related to the stats of the turret used. sombieHunter Sep 17, 2017 @ 7:01pm ディープ、私はAvorionが提供するものの. You can turn any turret you own into a blueprint as long as the factory has the required tech level for it. There are three types of turrets: Mining Laser, Combat Laser, and Chaingun. It's best to set them up as close to the core as possible, to increase the chance that you'll get better quality turrets out of them. Top 4% Rank by size. 1-0. i know i had to change the inventory type for elongated turret factory because 2. Note I re-rolled my tech 37 turret factory over 40 times. More sharing options. I built 6 turret factories before I got anything decent, and even then really nothing to brag about. Posted January 6, 2017. However there will probably be no two factories that. Also included are. Well, it's drawn from the station ID and your coordinates. 0 Lets to automatically research system upgrades and turrets from lowest rarity to highest. By your own admission the difference between a fighter from random turret drop and a fighter from turret factory is roughly 3 times increase. Hi! This is the first time I've made a mod for a game! I've been playing for a while, and digging around in the scripts messing with stuff. Introduction… You will find many turret factories around the universe of Avorion in various sectors, which when you have the right amount and types of materials will make you various types and quality of turrets for your ship. Repairing at Repair Docks at Reconstruction Site is now free . Turret changes are drastic, in my opinion too drastic as it impacts game play in a major way once you reach the barrier. There does seem to be a cap to where tech level actually increases stats, looks to be in the general vicinity of 50. This mod is purely client sided and will not alter you save game in. For finished products like turrets it affects the material they're made of. I see the button but it's always greyed out for me. 1) Increase damage by simply increasing ship size (and therefore slots for turret controllers) and lots of ok-ish (3-4k omicron) weapons. It is less efficient to use avorion engines versus trinium engines, since trinium is a lower mass, trinium engines are the best engines. After 5-10 sectors you should find something just as good. When lined up right you can punch a hole straight through an asteroid, all except the biggest. Is getting a good selection of turrets in a player-owned turret station just a matter of founding them over and over again until you get a good roll, or is there a way to influence what you get (beyond just building closer to the center). I thought i heard that if you build a turret factory at 0,0 you could make trch 52 turrets. I used a good research and turret factory combo to get a 12 range, 100 % and 300% overheat pulse cannon. As with all automatic turrets, you still need to enable autofire after equipping the turret. You can use this tactic to hide the launchers behind plates of armor/rock, or have them go in neat shapes away from your craft, as they will go straight, and then turn towards the target. Factory (674) Mine (463) Material. For Avorion players, this guide looks at what it takes to craft your favorite turret, be it from loot, research, or storebought. Crafting turrets is most useful in Ogorion-Avorion regions. Avorion – Turret Crafting Guide and Tips. Weapon Engineering is an exciting new turret editor for Avorion. I saw that once, pre-turret balance, but wow+ it was nuts. So I guess the game has a calculation Bug in a few Turret. Today I was playing around with a turret factory. And since they random it's just a who rolled better status. Also the tech level only matters for the research station. Discord. Before that, they go 'straight' away from the launcher. If you aren't on the beta branch, right click on avorion in steam and go to properties, then to "Betas" and select "beta - Newest Changes, Beta" from the dropdown. r/Cosmoteer. Turret factories are subject to the same RNG as drops. 4s. Edit: Added 2 last points. To do this go to the ship control panel (default hotkey P) and select all weapons you want to assign to a group. Get all factories that produces the mats for wanted turret and just buy the prerequired components to start production for the components. Gakm4 Nov 23, 2020 @ 3:00am. When you "rebuild" the same station in a former sektor, it will get the same turrets. (Thanks, Squirt and Almighty_Hood!)Avorion. For the best weapons "build/rebuild" a station from 3:3. The player may use commodities to craft their own turrets at any factory. I noticed the seed didn't change, and I wondered why that was. maybe find more turret factories in the new galaxy and build some awesome weaponry (in my current galaxy, only 2 factories are close enough to the center to offer avorion turrets and both have crappy modifiers). If it breaks i cant fix it. Research station will always output a random result, even if the turrets have the same prefix. Mines are not listed but I think they should be a type on the chart. You can buy goods. Just make sure your turret factory is always escorted as you move it around. So right now, fighter factories are basically useless garbage. DLC Avorion Into the Rift Out Now! Now available on Steam!. You first have to get all the parts to make all the turrets you need. Most of the time i'll see any Tech level factory with a turret with MAYBE 5k dps for a laser turret, with an energy consumption of like 450k per sec, with an. For Avorion players, this guide looks at what it takes to craft your favorite turret, be it from loot, research, or storebought. Created by lyravega, all credits go to him. Author. It's too bad the devs would rather balance the endgame for broken turret factory ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ than just remove the true problem, turret. I don't want it to sell goods, basically I want it to store all the components I need so I can make turrets, but it keeps selling them. I thought that was a pretty neat idea, so upon. . Coaxial 'seeker' launchers (any seekers, honestly) will lock in on your target after the first second. Try to build some near core (like 1:1) for max tier weapons. 7] Turret Factory - "You need more Steel" - Have enough. Rocket There are no factories that use rockets as an ingredient. Been using rail guns on my main ship since - 26 of them along the spine of the ship. For this moment I've spend like 500 mil on rerolling turrets to check better results. Otherwise, it's better to get more mines, factories, and consumers. . 3 Destruction 16. 1) Increase damage by simply increasing ship size (and therefore slots for turret controllers) and lots of ok-ish (3-4k omicron) weapons. After getting sick of that, I ended up finding another turret factory that offers a big damage boost for rocket turrets and I made a bunch with seeker missiles. You'll just have to find new turrets close to. With a little luck at seed rolls you can get weapons with incredible dps. Turret / factory / fighter cost are significantly reduced, so it's easier to build a huge fleet with giant battle-carriers or station complex. progressively. A couple of questions about turrets, in general: 1. I wanted to make a blueprint of it, visited 5 factories ( 4. . I am utterly convinced that altering turret stats based on size would dramatically improve Avorion's gameplay. So choose a good turret to go with it. Turret Factory Fix v0. You first have to get all the parts to make all the turrets you need. 2 and Into the Rift DLC (spoilers). I move in 2-3 combat ships and set them to patrol, and 1-2 salvage ships set to salvage. , double, triple, quad), D is the damage, and R is the fire rate, the DPS should be: Nb*D*R = 3*2640. 2) keep looking for better Turret factories. USAGE: - load the mod (duh) - find a turret factory. In Beta 2. So if you pack your turret factory up and move it next door, you get a different set of blueprints. . For instance, I have a railgun which says it has a range out to 6km, but doesn't hit until around 4. Same deal with some lasers I made. So I build a turret factory in the core sector so it would be tech level 52 and I would be able to. Base turret stats: Stats after adding Laser compressors to max: (about 4000 less damage /s) Stats after adding a few laser heads: (note negateve damage /s) Stats after adding more laser heads: (note damage /s value no longer appears in stats window) I don't think there are any logs that will help. I'm doing that and it's not working. Turret placement: 2x Credits: 1. but gathering materials gets tedious. 6x Turret place 3x System slot 1x Docking port-----De. Unarmed turrets are used to harvest resources, and can sometimes have other quirky functions, such as. These weapons receive massive amounts of bonus damage (20x base dps) to stone to aid in the mining process. So I noticed the Turret Seed Mod is out of date (tried to run it myself) and decided to patch it up. Would be amazing if you could research something specific on a turret factory. Only the damage variable seemed affected. I saw a message: "Turret Factory sold 513 Military Tesla Coils for $15,837,246. Avorion: 1. Larger turrets would deal more damage and have a longer range, but would gyrate more slowly (unless turret-locked, of course) and would also have progressively larger accuracy penalties vs. In secure you can simply return a table of data, you wanna save. Otherwise i just sector hop to places with Turret Factories and Trading Posts, becasuse they have a chance to have the item in stock. Close the window. e. The only factor I know of, is the slider for the price. 15. Welcome to the Forum! The best place to exchange builds and ideas! Vote for the best ideas and suggestions here. Tried building lower rarity turrets and that seems to work. Goods are items that can be bought from and sold to stations and factories at varying prices, depending on supply and demand. Shows potential profit (per-cycle) of the factory. Once that happens, the high DPS bolters will finish them. And Transporter systems active range stacks, so if you don't have much else to put into system slots, those a good bet. We can make fighter from blueprint in save data like the turret factory at the factory. The increased tech level is what matters the most. The types of stations can be determined by the scripts that the stations use for their routines. Get to a Research Station as close to the Center as possible and turn 3 of those useless 0 dps rails into random high dps rails. . I original thought this thread would be about turret types like Railguns vs Cannons and such on which type you prefer. I just installed this mod on client side only to watch the weapons at my turret factory on our server (installing client side only will display the values, as it would be with mod installed on server side). Fighter specific stats can be increased using. A turret factory supply chain setup like this greatly increases your potential power, as you can now produce ample turrets for multiple ships of a high quality without having to manually gather and. It makes 1c per sale. r/avorion • 2 mo. Compatible with vanilla and DLC turrets and fighters as of v2. Started in sector A; factory had stats A Moved factory to B - stats changed to B DId this a few times to new sectors; new stats appeared as expected in sectors, C D and E. I've seen a few references to them (turret factories), and possibly a screenshot, but I can't for the life of me find out whether they're currently construct-able, and if so, how to do so. Avorion. Dont do it. after around 26 min the Fighter is build Situation one I Start a mining order, Fighter Start and disappear Situation two I put t. Discord. Avorion is a space-sim sandbox game where you build your own ships and fight, trade, mine and explore your way to the center of the galaxy. lua" ive narrowed it down to only unarmed turrets, and that the. First of all, thank you for creating and posting your comprehensive video series. 875) Produces: Copper Gauss Rail Gauss Rail Factory (22,111,500 Cr) Produces: Gauss Rail This station's profitability is an average of 3,215 credits per cycle. I have tried new games about 5 times. That said Coaxial anything goes in the trash for for me. So a 2200 dmg turret may be a 180 dmg fighter because it uses a lot of slots, doing the math it. 98 million Blueprint -> Avorion fighter R-mining cost 11k AvorionAvorion: Console Commands; Avorion Turret Crafting Guide. research is how you get the good legendary and you can get some real nice stuff at turret factory just max out the stats I think they're talking about the special/unique legendary turrets though, which is the subject of the post. Turret Factory Tweak: Add Exotic & Legendary Blueprints. Avorion. Join the Avorion Discord! Connect with other passionate players and talk about the latest news. It's criminal how easy it is compared to building each factory one by one for 30 mil credits each. After much fiddling about with research stations it is still a matter of luck getting a bodacous turret (of any type). Subscribe. It will only affect turrets that were created after this mod was installed. Remember, this is RNG, you may very well build a turret factory right next to the core and it may very well not provide a single upgrade to your existing turrets. you can 1. Edit: After killing some things I've found a missle, lightning, and tesla coaxal turret as well. Community content is available under CC BY-SA 3. Join the Avorion Discord! Connect with other passionate players and talk about the latest news. So you basically will be cannibalizing other turrets to upgrade an existing turret. The following turret requires this. s. I'm almost feeling slot size increase is not even necessary as the main reason why slot size exists is projectile amount. Put the Fighter in The Squadron as Production Blueprint 4. It's really brutal. The problem is that the turret factory in. loading up more turrets + processing blocks + +turret upgrades vs tons of hangar space + transporter upgrade + pilots + fighters. Recipes for getting turret goods at this point in game development: 1. Frolonov Oct 29, 2020 @ 5:36pm. Sure. Note I re-rolled my tech 37 turret factory over 40 times. I built a turret factory at 1:0 and it had the expected tech 52 turrets. 2) keep looking for better Turret factories. lua script for a good example. Tesla turrets are reduced in damage at Tech 37. They are stored in the cargo bay of a ship. #3. Yes, just as long as the turret tech level is equal to or lower than the tech level of the turret factory that is making it. The player is able to design custom fighters at any Fighter Factory aligned "good" or better. But there were only 3 different. How to make a Modified Single Player Beta2_01 Avorion Game. g. This is one of the mechanisms for slowing down the player's progress, so that he does not turn into a terminator too soon. d) Again, Gobolino. In this table (trade list) are listed all trade goods of Avorion with their associated stations, where them can be sold or bought. Cool. Game version: Beta 0. 2. Mark anything that isn't good as trash (should be 95%) and then go to a scrapyard. DivineEvil. Then you build a steel factory. ago.